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After school program to get funds from the feds

U.S. Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln have announced that $250,000 in federal funds for Save the Children, a juvenile delinquency prevention program for the Helena-West Helena area, has passed the senate and is on the way to a joint Senate-House committee. The committee will negotiate differences between the two respective bills and produce a final conference report that Pryor says will be approved.

Local B&GC gets involved with “Impact 2012″

…They are encouraging young people to make a commitment to help reverse the negative trends affecting kids in communities throughout the nation, and to join Clubs nationwide, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of Phillips County, in their mission of changing and saving young lives…

Southern Good Faith Fund named CFED Partner of the Month

Southern Good Faith Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the Southern Bancorp. Since 1988 it has worked to increase the incomes and assets of low-income and low-skilled residents of rural Arkansas and Mississippi. This region is one of the poorest areas in the United States and grapples with high unemployment and low wages. Combined with low education levels, residents are either unemployed or in dead-end jobs.