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Learning About Home Mortgage Loans

Learning About Home Mortgage Loans

By: Charlestien Harris In keeping with the theme of National Homeownership Month, I want to educate my audience about various aspects of homeownership. This week, I will discuss the different types of loans available when purchasing a home. Owning a home is considered...
Planning for Homeownership

Planning for Homeownership

By: Charlestien Harris June is recognized as National Homeownership Month, celebrating the value that owning a home brings to families, communities, and neighborhoods across America. During this month, I will be sharing information about the process of homeownership...
Marriage and Money in May

Marriage and Money in May

By: Charlestien Harris I know that the most popular month in which to get married is June, but why not get a head start by planning your finances while you plan that glorious occasion – the wedding? Getting started early on financial planning with your future mate is...
The Financial Well-Being of Our Seniors

The Financial Well-Being of Our Seniors

By Charlestien Harris May is the month when May flowers spring up from the April showers, says the age-old adage. May is also celebrated as Older Americans Month. This month is all about giving older Americans a voice and focusing on their needs and ways to make their...
Sharing Money Advice as a Mom

Sharing Money Advice as a Mom

By Charlestien Harris Mother’s Day is a special day set aside to honor the mother of the family unit, as well as motherhood and the maternal bond. Mothers have a great responsibility and influence in the dynamics of the family and in the decision-making process...
Understanding the Function of the FDIC

Understanding the Function of the FDIC

By Charlestien Harris If you’ve been following the national banking news lately, you’ve probably heard a lot of talk about FDIC insurance, and you might even be wondering about your own deposits. To answer some of those questions, my article this month...
Financial Literacy: Borrowing Basics

Financial Literacy: Borrowing Basics

By Charlestien Harris With National Homeownership Month coming up in June, many consumers may have the notion of borrowing money on their minds. Financial literacy is an important topic, and I want to expand the knowledge of the consumer by explaining the process of...