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Is My Social Security Taxable?

Is My Social Security Taxable?

By: Charlestien Harris During tax season is when I get the most questions about what income is taxable or nontaxable. One of the biggest concerns I get from my audience is: Why is my Social Security income taxable?The common myth about Social Security income is that...
Money Moves to Make During a Recession

Money Moves to Make During a Recession

By: Charlestien Harris The state of the economy has been a “hot” topic as of late and financial experts have long been talking about a possible recession. Questions you might be asking are: What is a recession and how could it affect me? And, how can I protect myself...
Southern Bancorp to Host MLK Event at Philander Smith College

Southern Bancorp to Host MLK Event at Philander Smith College

Nationally recognized speaker, BerThaddaeus Bailey, will perform a reenactment ofDr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech On Friday, January 13th, Southern Bancorp will host “Dreams & Opportunities,” an event celebrating the legacy and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King...
6 Financial Tips to Survive a Recession

6 Financial Tips to Survive a Recession

By: Charlestien Harris Maintaining your finances can be overwhelming and stressful even when the economy is in favorable condition. Everyday expenses, work, and family obligations can demand our immediate attention, but it is just as important to also spend time on a...
How to Create a Spending Plan for College

How to Create a Spending Plan for College

By: Charlestien Harris So, you have graduated from high school. Congratulations! Many of you are now college bound, which means leaving the family nest for the first time and becoming responsible for your financial well-being. College means paying for tuition and...