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Financial Wellness Tips
Financial Wellness Tips
Understanding the Principles of Financial Literacy Month
By: Charlestien Harris April is the month that is known for the start of the spring season and National Financial Literacy Month. Financial literacy is defined as the ability to understand and apply different financial skills effectively, including personal financial...
March Into Finalizing Your Preparation for Tax Filing Season
By: Charlestien Harris The month of March is considered mid-season for tax filing. If you haven’t started the process of getting your taxes prepared and you don’t plan to prepare them yourself, then you only have a few weeks left! This year, the federal and state tax...
March into Green and Save
By Charlestien Harris March is, of course, known for the holiday of St. Patrick’s Day. This is the day that many people will wear green to commemorate the arrival of Saint Patrick in Ireland, and to celebrate the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. We can...
March into Developing Saving as a Habit
By Charlestien Harris Daylight saving time arrives on Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 2 a.m., the practice of moving clocks forward one hour during the summer months, to be eventually changed backward one hour during the fall. Daylight saving time always begins on the...
March into College with Money Sense
By Charlestien Harris It is never too early to start thinking about money, especially if you are planning to attend college this summer or the coming fall. This is definitely the time of year that high school students usually learn whether or not they have been...
The Importance of Knowing Your Correct Tax Filing Status
By Charlestien Harris Tax season can sometimes be one that most people do not look forward to! I think mainly because it can be time-consuming and confusing, and a lot of people are not good with numbers or keeping organized records during the year. But, one thing is...
Tackling Financial Debt in February
By: Charlestien Harris I know we are only two months into the year, but February is a fabulous time to start working on paying down your current debt. Statistics reported by Experian indicate that the average American has a debt amount of $96,371. That can be quite...
Heart to Heart: Being Smart With Your Heart and Your Money
By: Charlestien Harris February is known as the month for matters of the heart. When you think about it, your heart is an organ that keeps you alive and is the very life-sustaining organ that pumps the blood necessary to keep your body functioning properly. Your heart...
Is My Social Security Taxable?
By: Charlestien Harris During tax season is when I get the most questions about what income is taxable or nontaxable. One of the biggest concerns I get from my audience is: Why is my Social Security income taxable?The common myth about Social Security income is that...